Lesser redpoll - Lille Gråsisken - Acanthis cabaret

Common redpoll - Nordlig Gråsisken - Acanthis flammea

Arctic redpoll - Hvidsisken - Acanthis hornemanni

Northern goshawk - Duehøg - Accipiter gentilis

Eurasian sparrowhawk - Spurvehøg - Accipiter nisus

Great reed warbler - Drosselrørsanger - Acrocephalus arundinaceus

Marsh warbler - Kærsanger - Acrocephalus palustris

Sedge warbler - Sivsanger - Acrocephalus schoenobaenus

Common reed warbler - Rørsanger - Acrocephalus scirpaceus

Common sandpiper - Mudderklire - Actitis hypoleucos

Spotted sandpiper - Plettet Mudderklire - Actitis macularius

Long-tailed tit - Halemejse - Aegithalos caudatus

Long-tailed tit - Halemejse, Nordlig (ssp. caudatus) - Aegithalos caudatus caudatus

Long-tailed tit - Halemejse, Sydlig (ssp. europaeus) - Aegithalos caudatus europaeus

Small tortoiseshell - Nældens Takvinge - Aglais urticae

Mandarin duck - Mandarinand - Aix galericulata

Eurasian skylark - Sanglærke - Alauda arvensis

Common kingfisher - Isfugl - Alcedo atthis

Little auk - Søkonge - Alle alle

Egyptian goose - Nilgås - Alopochen aegyptiaca

Northern pintail - Spidsand - Anas acuta

Eurasian teal - Krikand - Anas crecca

Mallard - Gråand - Anas platyrhynchos

Greater white-fronted goose - Blisgås - Anser albifrons

Greater white-fronted goose - Blisgås (ssp. albifrons) - Anser albifrons albifrons

Greylag goose - Grågås - Anser anser

Pink-footed goose - Kortnæbbet Gås - Anser brachyrhynchus

Snow goose - Snegås - Anser caerulescens

Taiga bean goose - Tajgasædgås - Anser fabalis

Bar-headed goose - Indisk Gås - Anser indicus

Tundra bean goose - Tundrasædgås - Anser serrirostris

Anthocharis cardamines - Aurora - Anthocharis cardamines

European rock pipit - Skærpiber - Anthus petrosus

Meadow pipit - Engpiber - Anthus pratensis

Water pipit - Bjergpiber - Anthus spinoletta

Tree pipit - Skovpiber - Anthus trivialis

Ringlet - Engrandøje - Aphantopus hyperantus

Common swift - Mursejler - Apus apus

Great egret - Sølvhejre - Ardea alba

Grey heron - Fiskehejre - Ardea cinerea

Ruddy turnstone - Stenvender - Arenaria interpres

Aricia agestis - Rødplettet Blåfugl - Aricia agestis

European water vole - Mosegris - Arvicola terrestris

Short-eared owl - Mosehornugle - Asio flammeus

Long-eared owl - Skovhornugle - Asio otus

Silver Y - Gammaugle - Autographa gamma

Common pochard - Taffeland - Aythya ferina

Tufted duck - Troldand - Aythya fuligula

Greater scaup - Bjergand - Aythya marila

Ferruginous duck - Hvidøjet And - Aythya nyroca

Bohemian waxwing - Silkehale - Bombycilla garrulus

Eurasian bittern - Rørdrum - Botaurus stellaris

Brant (goose) - Knortegås - Branta bernicla

Brant (goose) - Knortegås, Mørkbuget (ssp. bernicla) - Branta bernicla bernicla

Canada goose - Canadagås - Branta canadensis

Cackling goose - Dværgcanadagås - Branta hutchinsii

Barnacle goose - Bramgås - Branta leucopsis

Common goldeneye - Hvinand - Bucephala clangula

Common toad - Skrubtudse - Bufo bufo

Common buzzard - Musvåge - Buteo buteo

Rough-legged buzzard - Fjeldvåge - Buteo lagopus

Muscovy duck - Moskusand - Cairina moschata

Lapland longspur - Lapværling - Calcarius lapponicus

Dunlin - Almindelig Ryle - Calidris alpina

Dunlin - Almindelig Ryle, Nordlig (ssp. alpina) - Calidris alpina alpina

Red knot - Islandsk Ryle - Calidris canutus

Broad-billed sandpiper - Kærløber - Calidris falcinellus

Curlew sandpiper - Krumnæbbet Ryle - Calidris ferruginea

Little stint - Dværgryle - Calidris minuta

Ruff (bird) - Brushane - Calidris pugnax

Temminck's stint - Temmincksryle - Calidris temminckii

Roe deer - Rådyr - Capreolus capreolus

European goldfinch - Stillits - Carduelis carduelis

Red-rumped swallow - Rødrygget Svale - Cecropis daurica

Eurasian treecreeper - Træløber - Certhia familiaris

Cerura vinula - Hermelinskåbe - Cerura vinula

Deer - Hjort sp. - Cervidae

Little ringed plover - Lille Præstekrave - Charadrius dubius

Common ringed plover - Stor Præstekrave - Charadrius hiaticula

Common ringed plover - Stor Præstekrave (ssp. hiaticula) - Charadrius hiaticula hiaticula

Bat - Flagermus sp. - Chiroptera

White-winged tern - Hvidvinget Terne - Chlidonias leucopterus

Black tern - Sortterne - Chlidonias niger

European greenfinch - Grønirisk - Chloris chloris

Black-headed gull - Hættemåge - Chroicocephalus ridibundus

White stork - Hvid Stork - Ciconia ciconia

White-throated dipper - Vandstær - Cinclus cinclus

Western marsh harrier - Rørhøg - Circus aeruginosus

Hen harrier - Blå Kærhøg - Circus cyaneus

Pallid harrier - Steppehøg - Circus macrourus

Long-tailed duck - Havlit - Clangula hyemalis

Bank vole - Rødmus - Clethrionomys glareolus

Hawfinch - Kernebider - Coccothraustes coccothraustes

Small heath (butterfly) - Okkergul Randøje - Coenonympha pamphilus

Western jackdaw - Allike - Coloeus monedula

Western jackdaw - Allike, Almindelig (ssp. monedula) - Coloeus monedula monedula

Rock dove - Klippedue (tamdue) - Columba livia

Stock dove - Huldue - Columba oenas

Common wood pigeon - Ringdue - Columba palumbus

Common raven - Ravn - Corvus corax

Hooded crow - Gråkrage - Corvus cornix

Carrion crow - Sortkrage - Corvus corone

Rook (bird) - Råge - Corvus frugilegus

Common quail - Vagtel - Coturnix coturnix

Common cuckoo - Gøg - Cuculus canorus

Common whitethroat - Tornsanger - Curruca communis

Lesser whitethroat - Gærdesanger - Curruca curruca

Eurasian blue tit - Blåmejse - Cyanistes caeruleus

Black swan - Sortsvane - Cygnus atratus

Tundra swan - Pibesvane - Cygnus columbianus

Whooper swan - Sangsvane - Cygnus cygnus

Mute swan - Knopsvane - Cygnus olor

Common house martin - Bysvale - Delichon urbicum

Great spotted woodpecker - Stor Flagspætte - Dendrocopos major

Black woodpecker - Sortspætte - Dryocopus martius

Little egret - Silkehejre - Egretta garzetta

Corn bunting - Bomlærke - Emberiza calandra

Yellowhammer - Gulspurv - Emberiza citrinella

Common reed bunting - Rørspurv - Emberiza schoeniclus

European pond turtle - Europæisk Sumpskildpadde - Emys orbicularis

European hedgehog - Pindsvin - Erinaceus europaeus

European robin - Rødhals - Erithacus rubecula

Saker falcon - Slagfalk - Falco cherrug

Merlin (bird) - Dværgfalk - Falco columbarius

Peregrine falcon - Vandrefalk - Falco peregrinus

Gyrfalcon - Jagtfalk - Falco rusticolus

Eurasian hobby - Lærkefalk - Falco subbuteo

Common kestrel - Tårnfalk - Falco tinnunculus

Cat - Kat - Felis catus

European pied flycatcher - Broget Fluesnapper - Ficedula hypoleuca

Common chaffinch - Bogfinke - Fringilla coelebs

Brambling - Kvækerfinke - Fringilla montifringilla

Eurasian coot - Blishøne - Fulica atra

Common snipe - Dobbeltbekkasin - Gallinago gallinago

Common moorhen - Rørhøne (Grønbenet) - Gallinula chloropus

Eurasian jay - Skovskade - Garrulus glandarius

Red-throated loon - Rødstrubet Lom - Gavia stellata

Gonepteryx rhamni - Citronsommerfugl - Gonepteryx rhamni

Common crane - Trane - Grus grus

Eurasian oystercatcher - Strandskade - Haematopus ostralegus

White-tailed eagle - Havørn - Haliaeetus albicilla

Hemaris fuciformis - Humlebisværmer - Hemaris fuciformis

Icterine warbler - Gulbug - Hippolais icterina

Barn swallow - Landsvale - Hirundo rustica

Little gull - Dværgmåge - Hydrocoloeus minutus

Caspian tern - Rovterne - Hydroprogne caspia

Mediterranean gull - Sorthovedet Måge - Ichthyaetus melanocephalus

Aglais io - Dagpåfugleøje - Inachis io

Eurasian wryneck - Vendehals - Jynx torquilla

Red-backed shrike - Rødrygget Tornskade - Lanius collurio

Great grey shrike - Stor Tornskade - Lanius excubitor

European herring gull - Sølvmåge - Larus argentatus

European herring gull - Sølvmåge, Skandinavisk (ssp. argentatus) - Larus argentatus argentatus

Common gull - Stormmåge - Larus canus

Common gull - Stormmåge (ssp. canus) - Larus canus canus

Lesser black-backed gull - Sildemåge - Larus fuscus

Lesser black-backed gull - Sildemåge, Nordsøsildemåge (ssp. intermedius) - Larus fuscus intermedius

Iceland gull - Hvidvinget Måge - Larus glaucoides

Iceland gull - Hvidvinget Måge (ssp. glaucoides) - Larus glaucoides glaucoides

Great black-backed gull - Svartbag - Larus marinus

Lepidoptera - Sommerfugl sp. - Lepidoptera

European hare - Hare - Lepus europaeus

Bar-tailed godwit - Lille Kobbersneppe - Limosa lapponica

Black-tailed godwit - Stor Kobbersneppe - Limosa limosa

Black-tailed godwit - Stor Kobbersneppe, Islandsk (ssp. islandica) - Limosa limosa islandica

Black-tailed godwit - Stor Kobbersneppe (ssp. limosa) - Limosa limosa limosa

Common linnet - Tornirisk - Linaria cannabina

Twite - Bjergirisk - Linaria flavirostris

Common grasshopper warbler - Græshoppesanger - Locustella naevia

Crested tit - Topmejse - Lophophanes cristatus

Red crossbill - Lille Korsnæb - Loxia curvirostra

Woodlark - Hedelærke - Lullula arborea

Thrush nightingale - Nattergal - Luscinia luscinia

Bluethroat - Blåhals - Luscinia svecica

Bluethroat - Blåhals, Sydlig (ssp. cyanecula) - Luscinia svecica cyanecula

Eurasian otter - Odder - Lutra lutra

Jack snipe - Enkeltbekkasin - Lymnocryptes minimus

Meadow brown - Græsrandøje - Maniola jurtina

Eurasian wigeon - Pibeand - Mareca penelope

Gadwall - Knarand - Mareca strepera

Beech marten - Husmår - Martes foina

Velvet scoter - Fløjlsand - Melanitta fusca

Common scoter - Sortand - Melanitta nigra

Smew - Lille Skallesluger - Mergellus albellus

Common merganser - Stor Skallesluger - Mergus merganser

Red-breasted merganser - Toppet Skallesluger - Mergus serrator

Microtus - Markmus sp. - Microtus agrestis/arvalis

Black kite - Sort Glente - Milvus migrans

Red kite - Rød Glente - Milvus milvus

Northern gannet - Sule - Morus bassanus

White wagtail - Hvid Vipstjert - Motacilla alba

White wagtail - Hvid Vipstjert (ssp. alba) - Motacilla alba alba

Wagtail - Hvid Vipstjert, Sortrygget Vipstjert (ssp. yarrellii) - Motacilla alba yarrellii

Grey wagtail - Bjergvipstjert - Motacilla cinerea

Western yellow wagtail - Gul Vipstjert - Motacilla flava

Western yellow wagtail - Gul Vipstjert (ssp. flava) - Motacilla flava flava

Western yellow wagtail - Gul Vipstjert, Nordlig (ssp. thunbergi) - Motacilla flava thunbergi

Spotted flycatcher - Grå Fluesnapper - Muscicapa striata

Stoat - Lækat - Mustela erminea

Least weasel - Brud - Mustela nivalis

American mink - Mink - Mustela vison

Eurasian curlew - Storspove - Numenius arquata

Eurasian whimbrel - Småspove - Numenius phaeopus

Common raccoon dog - Mårhund - Nyctereutes procyonoides

Northern wheatear - Stenpikker - Oenanthe oenanthe

Northern wheatear - Stenpikker (ssp. oenanthe) - Oenanthe oenanthe oenanthe

Osprey - Fiskeørn - Pandion haliaetus

Bearded reedling - Skægmejse - Panurus biarmicus

Speckled wood (butterfly) - Skovrandøje - Pararge aegeria

Great tit - Musvit - Parus major

House sparrow - Gråspurv - Passer domesticus

Eurasian tree sparrow - Skovspurv - Passer montanus

Grey partridge - Agerhøne - Perdix perdix

Coal tit - Sortmejse - Periparus ater

European honey buzzard - Hvepsevåge - Pernis apivorus

Great cormorant - Skarv - Phalacrocorax carbo

Great cormorant - Skarv, Mellemskarv (ssp. sinensis) - Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis

Red-necked phalarope - Odinshane - Phalaropus lobatus

Common pheasant - Fasan - Phasianus colchicus

Black redstart - Husrødstjert - Phoenicurus ochruros

Common redstart - Rødstjert - Phoenicurus phoenicurus

Common chiffchaff - Gransanger - Phylloscopus collybita

Wood warbler - Skovsanger - Phylloscopus sibilatrix

Willow warbler - Løvsanger - Phylloscopus trochilus

Eurasian magpie - Husskade - Pica pica

European green woodpecker - Grønspætte - Picus viridis

Pieris brassicae - Stor Kålsommerfugl - Pieris brassicae

Green-veined white - Grønåret Kålsommerfugl - Pieris napi

Pieris rapae - Lille Kålsommerfugl - Pieris rapae

Eurasian spoonbill - Skestork - Platalea leucorodia

Snow bunting - Snespurv - Plectrophenax nivalis

European golden plover - Hjejle - Pluvialis apricaria

Grey plover - Strandhjejle - Pluvialis squatarola

Horned grebe - Nordisk Lappedykker - Podiceps auritus

Great crested grebe - Toppet Lappedykker - Podiceps cristatus

Red-necked grebe - Gråstrubet Lappedykker - Podiceps grisegena

Black-necked grebe - Sorthalset Lappedykker - Podiceps nigricollis

Marsh tit - Sumpmejse - Poecile palustris

Common blue - Almindelig Blåfugl - Polyommatus icarus

Dunnock - Jernspurv - Prunella modularis

Eurasian bullfinch - Dompap - Pyrrhula pyrrhula

Water rail - Vandrikse - Rallus aquaticus

Brown rat - Brun Rotte - Rattus norvegicus

Pied avocet - Klyde - Recurvirostra avosetta

Common firecrest - Rødtoppet Fuglekonge - Regulus ignicapilla

Goldcrest - Fuglekonge - Regulus regulus

Eurasian penduline tit - Pungmejse - Remiz pendulinus

Sand martin - Digesvale - Riparia riparia

White-letter hairstreak - Det Hvide W - Satyrium w-album

Whinchat - Bynkefugl - Saxicola rubetra

European stonechat - Sortstrubet Bynkefugl - Saxicola rubicola

Red squirrel - Egern - Sciurus vulgaris

Eurasian woodcock - Skovsneppe - Scolopax rusticola

Atlantic canary - Kanariefugl - Serinus canaria

Eurasian nuthatch - Spætmejse - Sitta europaea

Common eider - Ederfugl - Somateria mollissima

Common shrew - Almindelig Spidsmus - Sorex araneus

Shrew - Spidsmus sp. - Soricidae

Northern shoveler - Skeand - Spatula clypeata

Blue-winged teal - Blåvinget And - Spatula discors

Garganey - Atlingand - Spatula querquedula

Eurasian siskin - Grønsisken - Spinus spinus

Parasitic jaeger - Almindelig Kjove - Stercorarius parasiticus

Great skua - Storkjove - Stercorarius skua

Common tern - Fjordterne - Sterna hirundo

Arctic tern - Havterne - Sterna paradisaea

Little tern - Dværgterne - Sternula albifrons

Eurasian collared dove - Tyrkerdue - Streptopelia decaocto

Tawny owl - Natugle - Strix aluco

Common starling - Stær - Sturnus vulgaris

Eurasian blackcap - Munk - Sylvia atricapilla

Garden warbler - Havesanger - Sylvia borin

Little grebe - Lille Lappedykker - Tachybaptus ruficollis

Ruddy shelduck - Rustand - Tadorna ferruginea

Common shelduck - Gravand - Tadorna tadorna

European mole - Muldvarp - Talpa europaea

Turtle - Skildpadde sp. - Testudines

Sandwich tern - Splitterne - Thalasseus sandvicensis

Essex skipper - Stregbredpande - Thymelicus lineola

Small skipper - Skråstregbredpande - Thymelicus sylvestris

Spotted redshank - Sortklire - Tringa erythropus

Wood sandpiper - Tinksmed - Tringa glareola

Common greenshank - Hvidklire - Tringa nebularia

Green sandpiper - Svaleklire - Tringa ochropus

Common redshank - Rødben - Tringa totanus

Common redshank - Rødben, Islandsk (ssp. robusta) - Tringa totanus robusta

Common redshank - Rødben (ssp. totanus) - Tringa totanus totanus

Smooth newt - Lille Vandsalamander - Triturus vulgaris

Eurasian wren - Gærdesmutte - Troglodytes troglodytes

Redwing - Vindrossel - Turdus iliacus

Common blackbird - Solsort - Turdus merula

Song thrush - Sangdrossel - Turdus philomelos

Fieldfare - Sjagger - Turdus pilaris

Ring ouzel - Ringdrossel - Turdus torquatus

Mistle thrush - Misteldrossel - Turdus viscivorus

Northern lapwing - Vibe - Vanellus vanellus

Vanessa atalanta - Admiral - Vanessa atalanta

Vanessa cardui - Tidselsommerfugl - Vanessa cardui

Red fox - Ræv - Vulpes vulpes

Lesser redpoll - Lille Gråsisken - Acanthis cabaret

Common redpoll - Nordlig Gråsisken - Acanthis flammea

Arctic redpoll - Hvidsisken - Acanthis hornemanni

Northern goshawk - Duehøg - Accipiter gentilis

Eurasian sparrowhawk - Spurvehøg - Accipiter nisus

Great reed warbler - Drosselrørsanger - Acrocephalus arundinaceus

Marsh warbler - Kærsanger - Acrocephalus palustris

Sedge warbler - Sivsanger - Acrocephalus schoenobaenus

Common reed warbler - Rørsanger - Acrocephalus scirpaceus

Common sandpiper - Mudderklire - Actitis hypoleucos

Spotted sandpiper - Plettet Mudderklire - Actitis macularius

Long-tailed tit - Halemejse - Aegithalos caudatus

Long-tailed tit - Halemejse, Nordlig (ssp. caudatus) - Aegithalos caudatus caudatus

Long-tailed tit - Halemejse, Sydlig (ssp. europaeus) - Aegithalos caudatus europaeus

Small tortoiseshell - Nældens Takvinge - Aglais urticae

Mandarin duck - Mandarinand - Aix galericulata

Eurasian skylark - Sanglærke - Alauda arvensis

Common kingfisher - Isfugl - Alcedo atthis

Little auk - Søkonge - Alle alle

Egyptian goose - Nilgås - Alopochen aegyptiaca

Northern pintail - Spidsand - Anas acuta

Eurasian teal - Krikand - Anas crecca

Mallard - Gråand - Anas platyrhynchos

Greater white-fronted goose - Blisgås - Anser albifrons

Greater white-fronted goose - Blisgås (ssp. albifrons) - Anser albifrons albifrons

Greylag goose - Grågås - Anser anser

Pink-footed goose - Kortnæbbet Gås - Anser brachyrhynchus

Snow goose - Snegås - Anser caerulescens

Taiga bean goose - Tajgasædgås - Anser fabalis

Bar-headed goose - Indisk Gås - Anser indicus

Tundra bean goose - Tundrasædgås - Anser serrirostris

Anthocharis cardamines - Aurora - Anthocharis cardamines

European rock pipit - Skærpiber - Anthus petrosus

Meadow pipit - Engpiber - Anthus pratensis

Water pipit - Bjergpiber - Anthus spinoletta

Tree pipit - Skovpiber - Anthus trivialis

Ringlet - Engrandøje - Aphantopus hyperantus

Common swift - Mursejler - Apus apus

Great egret - Sølvhejre - Ardea alba

Grey heron - Fiskehejre - Ardea cinerea

Ruddy turnstone - Stenvender - Arenaria interpres

Aricia agestis - Rødplettet Blåfugl - Aricia agestis

European water vole - Mosegris - Arvicola terrestris

Short-eared owl - Mosehornugle - Asio flammeus

Long-eared owl - Skovhornugle - Asio otus

Silver Y - Gammaugle - Autographa gamma

Common pochard - Taffeland - Aythya ferina

Tufted duck - Troldand - Aythya fuligula

Greater scaup - Bjergand - Aythya marila

Ferruginous duck - Hvidøjet And - Aythya nyroca

Bohemian waxwing - Silkehale - Bombycilla garrulus

Eurasian bittern - Rørdrum - Botaurus stellaris

Brant (goose) - Knortegås - Branta bernicla

Brant (goose) - Knortegås, Mørkbuget (ssp. bernicla) - Branta bernicla bernicla

Canada goose - Canadagås - Branta canadensis

Cackling goose - Dværgcanadagås - Branta hutchinsii

Barnacle goose - Bramgås - Branta leucopsis

Common goldeneye - Hvinand - Bucephala clangula

Common toad - Skrubtudse - Bufo bufo

Common buzzard - Musvåge - Buteo buteo

Rough-legged buzzard - Fjeldvåge - Buteo lagopus

Muscovy duck - Moskusand - Cairina moschata

Lapland longspur - Lapværling - Calcarius lapponicus

Dunlin - Almindelig Ryle - Calidris alpina

Dunlin - Almindelig Ryle, Nordlig (ssp. alpina) - Calidris alpina alpina

Red knot - Islandsk Ryle - Calidris canutus

Broad-billed sandpiper - Kærløber - Calidris falcinellus

Curlew sandpiper - Krumnæbbet Ryle - Calidris ferruginea

Little stint - Dværgryle - Calidris minuta

Ruff (bird) - Brushane - Calidris pugnax

Temminck's stint - Temmincksryle - Calidris temminckii

Roe deer - Rådyr - Capreolus capreolus

European goldfinch - Stillits - Carduelis carduelis

Red-rumped swallow - Rødrygget Svale - Cecropis daurica

Eurasian treecreeper - Træløber - Certhia familiaris

Cerura vinula - Hermelinskåbe - Cerura vinula

Deer - Hjort sp. - Cervidae

Little ringed plover - Lille Præstekrave - Charadrius dubius

Common ringed plover - Stor Præstekrave - Charadrius hiaticula

Common ringed plover - Stor Præstekrave (ssp. hiaticula) - Charadrius hiaticula hiaticula

Bat - Flagermus sp. - Chiroptera

White-winged tern - Hvidvinget Terne - Chlidonias leucopterus

Black tern - Sortterne - Chlidonias niger

European greenfinch - Grønirisk - Chloris chloris

Black-headed gull - Hættemåge - Chroicocephalus ridibundus

White stork - Hvid Stork - Ciconia ciconia

White-throated dipper - Vandstær - Cinclus cinclus

Western marsh harrier - Rørhøg - Circus aeruginosus

Hen harrier - Blå Kærhøg - Circus cyaneus

Pallid harrier - Steppehøg - Circus macrourus

Long-tailed duck - Havlit - Clangula hyemalis

Bank vole - Rødmus - Clethrionomys glareolus

Hawfinch - Kernebider - Coccothraustes coccothraustes

Small heath (butterfly) - Okkergul Randøje - Coenonympha pamphilus

Western jackdaw - Allike - Coloeus monedula

Western jackdaw - Allike, Almindelig (ssp. monedula) - Coloeus monedula monedula

Rock dove - Klippedue (tamdue) - Columba livia

Stock dove - Huldue - Columba oenas

Common wood pigeon - Ringdue - Columba palumbus

Common raven - Ravn - Corvus corax

Hooded crow - Gråkrage - Corvus cornix

Carrion crow - Sortkrage - Corvus corone

Rook (bird) - Råge - Corvus frugilegus

Common quail - Vagtel - Coturnix coturnix

Common cuckoo - Gøg - Cuculus canorus

Common whitethroat - Tornsanger - Curruca communis

Lesser whitethroat - Gærdesanger - Curruca curruca

Eurasian blue tit - Blåmejse - Cyanistes caeruleus

Black swan - Sortsvane - Cygnus atratus

Tundra swan - Pibesvane - Cygnus columbianus

Whooper swan - Sangsvane - Cygnus cygnus

Mute swan - Knopsvane - Cygnus olor

Common house martin - Bysvale - Delichon urbicum

Great spotted woodpecker - Stor Flagspætte - Dendrocopos major

Black woodpecker - Sortspætte - Dryocopus martius

Little egret - Silkehejre - Egretta garzetta

Corn bunting - Bomlærke - Emberiza calandra

Yellowhammer - Gulspurv - Emberiza citrinella

Common reed bunting - Rørspurv - Emberiza schoeniclus

European pond turtle - Europæisk Sumpskildpadde - Emys orbicularis

European hedgehog - Pindsvin - Erinaceus europaeus

European robin - Rødhals - Erithacus rubecula

Saker falcon - Slagfalk - Falco cherrug

Merlin (bird) - Dværgfalk - Falco columbarius

Peregrine falcon - Vandrefalk - Falco peregrinus

Gyrfalcon - Jagtfalk - Falco rusticolus

Eurasian hobby - Lærkefalk - Falco subbuteo

Common kestrel - Tårnfalk - Falco tinnunculus

Cat - Kat - Felis catus

European pied flycatcher - Broget Fluesnapper - Ficedula hypoleuca

Common chaffinch - Bogfinke - Fringilla coelebs

Brambling - Kvækerfinke - Fringilla montifringilla

Eurasian coot - Blishøne - Fulica atra

Common snipe - Dobbeltbekkasin - Gallinago gallinago

Common moorhen - Rørhøne (Grønbenet) - Gallinula chloropus

Eurasian jay - Skovskade - Garrulus glandarius

Red-throated loon - Rødstrubet Lom - Gavia stellata

Gonepteryx rhamni - Citronsommerfugl - Gonepteryx rhamni

Common crane - Trane - Grus grus

Eurasian oystercatcher - Strandskade - Haematopus ostralegus

White-tailed eagle - Havørn - Haliaeetus albicilla

Hemaris fuciformis - Humlebisværmer - Hemaris fuciformis

Icterine warbler - Gulbug - Hippolais icterina

Barn swallow - Landsvale - Hirundo rustica

Little gull - Dværgmåge - Hydrocoloeus minutus

Caspian tern - Rovterne - Hydroprogne caspia

Mediterranean gull - Sorthovedet Måge - Ichthyaetus melanocephalus

Aglais io - Dagpåfugleøje - Inachis io

Eurasian wryneck - Vendehals - Jynx torquilla

Red-backed shrike - Rødrygget Tornskade - Lanius collurio

Great grey shrike - Stor Tornskade - Lanius excubitor

European herring gull - Sølvmåge - Larus argentatus

European herring gull - Sølvmåge, Skandinavisk (ssp. argentatus) - Larus argentatus argentatus

Common gull - Stormmåge - Larus canus

Common gull - Stormmåge (ssp. canus) - Larus canus canus

Lesser black-backed gull - Sildemåge - Larus fuscus

Lesser black-backed gull - Sildemåge, Nordsøsildemåge (ssp. intermedius) - Larus fuscus intermedius

Iceland gull - Hvidvinget Måge - Larus glaucoides

Iceland gull - Hvidvinget Måge (ssp. glaucoides) - Larus glaucoides glaucoides

Great black-backed gull - Svartbag - Larus marinus

Lepidoptera - Sommerfugl sp. - Lepidoptera

European hare - Hare - Lepus europaeus

Bar-tailed godwit - Lille Kobbersneppe - Limosa lapponica

Black-tailed godwit - Stor Kobbersneppe - Limosa limosa

Black-tailed godwit - Stor Kobbersneppe, Islandsk (ssp. islandica) - Limosa limosa islandica

Black-tailed godwit - Stor Kobbersneppe (ssp. limosa) - Limosa limosa limosa

Common linnet - Tornirisk - Linaria cannabina

Twite - Bjergirisk - Linaria flavirostris

Common grasshopper warbler - Græshoppesanger - Locustella naevia

Crested tit - Topmejse - Lophophanes cristatus

Red crossbill - Lille Korsnæb - Loxia curvirostra

Woodlark - Hedelærke - Lullula arborea

Thrush nightingale - Nattergal - Luscinia luscinia

Bluethroat - Blåhals - Luscinia svecica

Bluethroat - Blåhals, Sydlig (ssp. cyanecula) - Luscinia svecica cyanecula

Eurasian otter - Odder - Lutra lutra

Jack snipe - Enkeltbekkasin - Lymnocryptes minimus

Meadow brown - Græsrandøje - Maniola jurtina

Eurasian wigeon - Pibeand - Mareca penelope

Gadwall - Knarand - Mareca strepera

Beech marten - Husmår - Martes foina

Velvet scoter - Fløjlsand - Melanitta fusca

Common scoter - Sortand - Melanitta nigra

Smew - Lille Skallesluger - Mergellus albellus

Common merganser - Stor Skallesluger - Mergus merganser

Red-breasted merganser - Toppet Skallesluger - Mergus serrator

Microtus - Markmus sp. - Microtus agrestis/arvalis

Black kite - Sort Glente - Milvus migrans

Red kite - Rød Glente - Milvus milvus

Northern gannet - Sule - Morus bassanus

White wagtail - Hvid Vipstjert - Motacilla alba

White wagtail - Hvid Vipstjert (ssp. alba) - Motacilla alba alba

Wagtail - Hvid Vipstjert, Sortrygget Vipstjert (ssp. yarrellii) - Motacilla alba yarrellii

Grey wagtail - Bjergvipstjert - Motacilla cinerea

Western yellow wagtail - Gul Vipstjert - Motacilla flava

Western yellow wagtail - Gul Vipstjert (ssp. flava) - Motacilla flava flava

Western yellow wagtail - Gul Vipstjert, Nordlig (ssp. thunbergi) - Motacilla flava thunbergi

Spotted flycatcher - Grå Fluesnapper - Muscicapa striata

Stoat - Lækat - Mustela erminea

Least weasel - Brud - Mustela nivalis

American mink - Mink - Mustela vison

Eurasian curlew - Storspove - Numenius arquata

Eurasian whimbrel - Småspove - Numenius phaeopus

Common raccoon dog - Mårhund - Nyctereutes procyonoides

Northern wheatear - Stenpikker - Oenanthe oenanthe

Northern wheatear - Stenpikker (ssp. oenanthe) - Oenanthe oenanthe oenanthe

Osprey - Fiskeørn - Pandion haliaetus

Bearded reedling - Skægmejse - Panurus biarmicus

Speckled wood (butterfly) - Skovrandøje - Pararge aegeria

Great tit - Musvit - Parus major

House sparrow - Gråspurv - Passer domesticus

Eurasian tree sparrow - Skovspurv - Passer montanus

Grey partridge - Agerhøne - Perdix perdix

Coal tit - Sortmejse - Periparus ater

European honey buzzard - Hvepsevåge - Pernis apivorus

Great cormorant - Skarv - Phalacrocorax carbo

Great cormorant - Skarv, Mellemskarv (ssp. sinensis) - Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis

Red-necked phalarope - Odinshane - Phalaropus lobatus

Common pheasant - Fasan - Phasianus colchicus

Black redstart - Husrødstjert - Phoenicurus ochruros

Common redstart - Rødstjert - Phoenicurus phoenicurus

Common chiffchaff - Gransanger - Phylloscopus collybita

Wood warbler - Skovsanger - Phylloscopus sibilatrix

Willow warbler - Løvsanger - Phylloscopus trochilus

Eurasian magpie - Husskade - Pica pica

European green woodpecker - Grønspætte - Picus viridis

Pieris brassicae - Stor Kålsommerfugl - Pieris brassicae

Green-veined white - Grønåret Kålsommerfugl - Pieris napi

Pieris rapae - Lille Kålsommerfugl - Pieris rapae

Eurasian spoonbill - Skestork - Platalea leucorodia

Snow bunting - Snespurv - Plectrophenax nivalis

European golden plover - Hjejle - Pluvialis apricaria

Grey plover - Strandhjejle - Pluvialis squatarola

Horned grebe - Nordisk Lappedykker - Podiceps auritus

Great crested grebe - Toppet Lappedykker - Podiceps cristatus

Red-necked grebe - Gråstrubet Lappedykker - Podiceps grisegena

Black-necked grebe - Sorthalset Lappedykker - Podiceps nigricollis

Marsh tit - Sumpmejse - Poecile palustris

Common blue - Almindelig Blåfugl - Polyommatus icarus

Dunnock - Jernspurv - Prunella modularis

Eurasian bullfinch - Dompap - Pyrrhula pyrrhula

Water rail - Vandrikse - Rallus aquaticus

Brown rat - Brun Rotte - Rattus norvegicus

Pied avocet - Klyde - Recurvirostra avosetta

Common firecrest - Rødtoppet Fuglekonge - Regulus ignicapilla

Goldcrest - Fuglekonge - Regulus regulus

Eurasian penduline tit - Pungmejse - Remiz pendulinus

Sand martin - Digesvale - Riparia riparia

White-letter hairstreak - Det Hvide W - Satyrium w-album

Whinchat - Bynkefugl - Saxicola rubetra

European stonechat - Sortstrubet Bynkefugl - Saxicola rubicola

Red squirrel - Egern - Sciurus vulgaris

Eurasian woodcock - Skovsneppe - Scolopax rusticola

Atlantic canary - Kanariefugl - Serinus canaria

Eurasian nuthatch - Spætmejse - Sitta europaea

Common eider - Ederfugl - Somateria mollissima

Common shrew - Almindelig Spidsmus - Sorex araneus

Shrew - Spidsmus sp. - Soricidae

Northern shoveler - Skeand - Spatula clypeata

Blue-winged teal - Blåvinget And - Spatula discors

Garganey - Atlingand - Spatula querquedula

Eurasian siskin - Grønsisken - Spinus spinus

Parasitic jaeger - Almindelig Kjove - Stercorarius parasiticus

Great skua - Storkjove - Stercorarius skua

Common tern - Fjordterne - Sterna hirundo

Arctic tern - Havterne - Sterna paradisaea

Little tern - Dværgterne - Sternula albifrons

Eurasian collared dove - Tyrkerdue - Streptopelia decaocto

Tawny owl - Natugle - Strix aluco

Common starling - Stær - Sturnus vulgaris

Eurasian blackcap - Munk - Sylvia atricapilla

Garden warbler - Havesanger - Sylvia borin

Little grebe - Lille Lappedykker - Tachybaptus ruficollis

Ruddy shelduck - Rustand - Tadorna ferruginea

Common shelduck - Gravand - Tadorna tadorna

European mole - Muldvarp - Talpa europaea

Turtle - Skildpadde sp. - Testudines

Sandwich tern - Splitterne - Thalasseus sandvicensis

Essex skipper - Stregbredpande - Thymelicus lineola

Small skipper - Skråstregbredpande - Thymelicus sylvestris

Spotted redshank - Sortklire - Tringa erythropus

Wood sandpiper - Tinksmed - Tringa glareola

Common greenshank - Hvidklire - Tringa nebularia

Green sandpiper - Svaleklire - Tringa ochropus

Common redshank - Rødben - Tringa totanus

Common redshank - Rødben, Islandsk (ssp. robusta) - Tringa totanus robusta

Common redshank - Rødben (ssp. totanus) - Tringa totanus totanus

Smooth newt - Lille Vandsalamander - Triturus vulgaris

Eurasian wren - Gærdesmutte - Troglodytes troglodytes

Redwing - Vindrossel - Turdus iliacus

Common blackbird - Solsort - Turdus merula

Song thrush - Sangdrossel - Turdus philomelos

Fieldfare - Sjagger - Turdus pilaris

Ring ouzel - Ringdrossel - Turdus torquatus

Mistle thrush - Misteldrossel - Turdus viscivorus

Northern lapwing - Vibe - Vanellus vanellus

Vanessa atalanta - Admiral - Vanessa atalanta

Vanessa cardui - Tidselsommerfugl - Vanessa cardui

Red fox - Ræv - Vulpes vulpes